Nevin Aladağ: Refraction

Nevin Aladağ’s new site-specific commission for SCAD Museum of Art

Nevin Aladağ’s site-specific commission for SCAD Museum of Art (Savannah, Georgia) includes her largest works to date, expanding on her Social Fabric and Pattern Kinship series. The artist’s Social Fabric works connect disparate pieces of carpet from around the world into complex collages of amalgamated hybrid forms, while Pattern Kinship features overlapping laser-cut plexiglass layers, juxtaposing a wide array of architectural motifs and ornamentation styles including various patterns from Savannah’s historic buildings.


The artist's two series were also showcased in Motion Lines held at Barakat Contemporary in May 2022, and can also be viewed in the recently published exhibition catalogue, Motion Lines. The catalogue can be purchased through the this link.

November 21, 2023
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