Yunchul Kim's Process Featured in Nature Magazine

Nature, a world-renowned science weekly magazine, reported on contemporary artist Yunchul Kim thus week. See the original article for the many possibilities created by productive partnerships between scientists and artists.

“In 2017, I was awarded a two-month residency at CERN, Europe’s particle-physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. People think that scientists teach the artists, but I really wanted to share my ideas as well as learn. The first steps were not easy because our professional languages were very different. I read a lot about theoretical physics to try to understand what subatomic particles are, what an accelerator does, and what scientists want to find with these detectors. It’s important for artists who want to collaborate with scientists to make the effort to understand the scientists’ research. Ultimately, I wanted to build my own functional particle detector that could demonstrate how these invisible forces work.”



February 20, 2021
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